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I had such a lovely experience with Christine and with her help over a few short sessions was able to work through some things and get the outcome I wanted with ongoing tools to use should I loose my way…If you’re thinking about hypnotherapy, I’d say wholeheartedly to give it a go. The space Christine works out of is warm and calm and after each session I left feeling lighter. Thank you.

Tanya Cardamone

Christine is the most supportive and loving therapist. I honestly don’t know what I would have done without her! She has supported me through so many of my emotional journeys and always helped me get to the other side. She listens with kindness and patience and gently encourages you to your breakthrough. I couldn’t recommend her more highly. Every one needs Christine in their life!

Yalini Nirmalarajah

As a first time client of hypnotherapy, I was unsure what to expect. Christine was so lovely to work with, she explained the process in detail, always checking in to make sure I felt comfortable. I would highly recommend Christine. She is extremely calming, really listens to what you are looking for and even gave follow up ideas and activities to help with the process. Thank you for making all the difference Christine – I feel so much more confident and relaxed in what you helped me work on.

Suzie H

Before I worked with Christine I would become very overwhelmed with a number of emotions and struggled to let go of them. During the sessions I learnt how to find perspective in my own thinking and use tools to keep the positive learnings in difficult emotions to then be able to move forward and let them go. It’s made me feel so much more relaxed in life and by using the tools given I am and have been a much happier and lighter person! Thank you Christine

Emma Jolly

Before I saw Christine, I was lacking in motivation, struggling with day to day activities and generally feeling unable to cope with life in general. I feel that I now have the coping skills to get through the day even knowing there will be ups and downs.

Greg Kuhn

I was riddled with pain that was linked to strong emotions. Christine listened and supported me as I worked through these emotions which helped me release and let go. I noticed my pain lessen and dissolve after some sessions. I felt seen and heard when working with Christine and she truly provided me with a very safe space to meet my needs. I 100% recommend her services. Thank you Christine.

Sue Goodge

I was lost, confused, angry, sad, anxious, not knowing where, or what to do next. I didn’t know how to deal with everyday, in fact I had given up not wanting to deal with life, especially with all these lockdowns. I was desperate for help, hence I saw Christine’s sandwich board in Eltham. Face forward after my sessions with Christine, I felt as though I found the lost me, and for the friends that have been there for me, have really seen the change in me, and I’m now helping them. Some days there are challenges that do challenge me, but I’m coping so much better, eating is my main one.

Glenda Aston

I felt so low and anxious before I started my sessions and now that I have come out the other side I feel like I enjoy life more and am not anxious about upcoming things.

Alexandra Peroni

I was suffering from anxiety, lack of self-confidence, and feeling creatively blocked. I had tried many other avenues to address these issues and had been thinking about hypnotherapy for some time. Finally, I decided to take the step and was blessed enough to find Christine. Even from our first conversation on the phone, I felt at ease and confident that I had made the right decision to be able to surrender myself to Christine’s healing. She really took the time to break down the causes of my issues and always created a safe space for me to let go of so many years of hurt and pain. I never felt rushed or pressured and always walked away from our sessions feeling positive and excited to see what life has to install for me next! The healing is real! Thank you Christine for renewing my zest for life and being so excited for the future!


The past two years for me were not a great time, balancing work life and family life the world seemed to be closing in on me. This all changed once I met with Christine and began my sessions, very quickly I began to feel a deep and glowy change in my confidence, self respect and overall personality, I also lifted many fears that were buried deep inside which caused terrible anxiety. I would have no issue at all in recommending Christine to anyone facing similar situations.

Daniel Sportelli

Thank you Christine for helping me understand & resolve issues that were holding me back. You were understanding, informative and eager to help me on many levels and always greeting with a smile. Thank you.

Patrick Langley

I just wanted to drop you a quick line to say thank you! I visited Life in Sync in September last year to have hypnotherapy to help me stop biting my nails. I’ve bitten my nails all my life, and I’m now in my mid-40’s. I’ve tried loads of different things to stop over the years, and I have to say I visited your practice more in hope than expectation. But since that single visit I haven’t bitten my nails again – and more amazingly I haven’t even wanted to! I don’t really understand how it all works, but it’s been fantastic – so thank you.

Dean Purkis

I want to thank you for your part in helping my decision to give up smoking. It has been just over 5 months now and I haven’t had a cigarette. I, at first, was very skeptical believing that it was going to be the biggest waste of money I have ever spent but as it has turned out it has been the best decision to spend the money with you. I have recouped that money ten times over already. You made my transition to non smoker so easy I am still, as well as my husband, quite gob smacked that it has worked so well and effectively. You took all the panic and anxiety out of it. I believe a little bit of will power was still needed and a want to do it as well. However usually when I tried to give up smoking endless times before I would freak out and smoke twice as much, and I would only ever make it to the six week mark and find an excuse to take it up again. I had also tried all other methods of chewy’s, patches and tablets to no avail. I have been a die hard smoker for 23 years and believed I always would be, however this has almost been one of the easiest things I have done with your help. So thank you again for your part in it and I cannot tell you how nice it is to not smell like an ashtray anymore.

J. Beer

20 cigarettes a day for 23 years
Things are going well, I’m still not smoking and it’s been 2 months now. I am so pleased with the results as I felt I’ve had no withdrawals or cravings like when I gave up cold turkey. What I have had and still do is a calm recognition every now and then that at that moment I would’ve had a cigarette. Hope all is well with you and a BIG THANKYOU from me for your expertise and help.

K. Kent

1 pack a day for 36 years
It has been some time since I have come to see you, and I am a proud “non-smoker” – I have not nor will I smoke, and I am so happy that you gave me that gift – so thank you – you work wonders and I don’t know how it worked but it did! I will never smoke again and also my friend still has not smoked either – thanks again.


10-15 cigarettes a day for 19 years
I feel as though so much weight has been lifted off my shoulders, and the stress and anxiety I would feel in my stomach has gone away. I will walk away today never smoking again and I feel amazing. I am excited for my healthy life ahead! Thank you so much.

O. Chamberlain

10 cigarettes to 1 pack a day
I first went to Christine in 2010 to give up smoking, I was addicted to smoking and started when I was 14 years old. I never believed I could stop but it worked and I have never smoked again. I saw Christine in 2020, for another addiction. Christine has helped me over a period of 6 sessions.

Faye Morgan

The only advice I can give you is that I wish I went to Christine earlier, I saw the sign in Bolton St a few years ago and considered it as an option but kept telling myself I could handle my “anxiety” alone. I was desperate by the time I called, I hated how I felt about myself and how I was managing day-to-day, I knew there had to be another way when I made the decision to call I was hoping for a miracle as I was constantly physically and mentally exhausted and sick of the destructive ways. After the first few sessions, I could see I was starting to feel more like my old self, upon completion of the sessions I now feel like the woman I was many years ago focused and centered and in control of my life, no longer living in my “head” and able to breathe. Many thanks for the “new old me” Christine.

G. Anderson

I feel I have control over my life, like never before and now I can do and enjoy healthy and happy things without negative disruptions. I will no longer smell like a walking ashtray and I will be around to see my child grow.

Betty Lopez

I have severe breathing problems due to smoking, plus very few people I associate with are smokers. I am now a non-smoker thanks to this hypnotherapy session. Thanks Christine!

Carol Thom

My life will now be abundant with fresh air; vibrant health and cash to reward myself and my loved ones. Thank you for assisting me to empower myself!

Michelle Blake

Video Testimonials

*Results & health disclaimer:  Please understand that the results described in these testimonials and reviews whilst true, accurate and verifiable represent results that may differ from yours, or even the average result. Your results, if any, will vary and there is always the possibility you will not get the results you are looking for. Life in Sync is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, eating, health program or attending a hypnosis session.